God Help Me To See Straight

When we don’t believe, know or receive the truth, we can become prisoners of the lies we believe. I’m learning that our minds can play horrible tricks on us if we’re not diligent enough to focus on the truth. Have you ever had a conversation with a friend, co-worker, relative or even a stranger about a particular incident and their recollection of the incident is slightly or totally different from yours?

Usually, we instantly think it’s the other person who’s off. But, what if it’s us? Are we humble enough to ask God to help us see clearly in the midst of life’s traumas of heartache, pain and demonic attacks? Are we understanding and compassionate to those who may lash out because of their misunderstanding or traumatized perspectives?

Father in Jesus’ name, we praise You for Your promise to give us wisdom when we lack understanding if we just ask in faith.

Forgive us for allowing our clouded perspectives to lead us to say and do things that are inappropriate and unbecoming of children of God.

Bless us to escape the power of Satan’s unholy trifecta which combines pride, selfishness and ignorance to throw off the path of righteousness.

Father help us to see straight and keep us in Your perfect peace with our minds stayed on You.


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